Sunday, 29 April 2007

What they tell us, 3: Brighton & Hove Independents

Days to election: 4
Another brochure, this one from Brighton & Hove Independents. Four-page A5, four colour. Mildly imperfect punctuation (one of the candidates is a deputy head) but it could have been much worse. Was it just a leaflet drop or did someone ring the bell for a chat? If the latter, a beautiful Saturday afternoon is not the best time to catch me, or anyone else, at home.

The pitch is that the party will bring a fresh approach, free of party lines and party whips, ensuring that decisions made are non-party political.

On specific policies the non-party party has party lines on the following:
Re-evaluation of A23 layout to 'protect pedestrians, cyclists, drivers and visitors'.
More visible local and community policing, with more neighbourhood watch schemes.
All children are 'entitled to a high quality education irrespective of political calculations and machinations'.
Support for new community football stadium.
Search for solutions to help people park outside their homes without damaging side effects.
More litter bins in public parks and open spaces.
Wider recycling schemes to include other waste.
Opposition to school admissions lotteries 'which the Conservatives helped to devise and only opposed when it was too late'.
Opposition to inefficiency and widespread use of expensive consultants. 'We will monitor the Council's use of tax payer's money to ensure there is no unjustified waste.' (Is there justified waste?)
Opposition to hospital and ward closures.
Opposition to council tax re-valuation.

A typical set of policies some or all of which (could) have come from any or all the parties. Brighton & Hove Independents has six candidates standing in three wards, one solid Labour, one solid Conservative and one mixed. Obviously not enough to gain control but potentially in a position of influence if the differences between seats held by the main parties are narrow. If they win seats. The big question: is the 'non-party' approach credible and sufficient when the policies are not much differentiated from the other party lines? The statement that 'each candidate has a proven record of service to the local community' has some substance, without provoking the cynical reaction of 'yes, but as a member of such-and-such a party'.

Leaflet count to date
Conservatives 2, B&H independents 1, others 0
Canvassing to date

There is truth in the statement, made without comment in the B&HI leaflet (except punctuationally), that 'the decision you make on 3rd May will affect us all for the next 4 years!!!' Grumpy Old Voter will be happy to provide the comment. Watch for the next exciting post in this blog.

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